BCM Business Tour at the Salkhit Wind Farm

BCM Business Tour at the Salkhit Wind Farm

During the event, B. Baatarmunkh, CEO of Newcom Group, and G. Tuvdendorj, Deputy Minister of Economy and Development, gave opening remarks and welcomed the BCM members. Ts. Sukhbaatar, CEO of Clean Energy LLC, provided an introduction to the Salkhit Wind Farm, answered questions from the BCM members, and engaged in an interesting discussion

The event continued with a tour of the 31-turbine wind farm on the “Salkhit” mountain, where participants had the opportunity to observe the turbines up close and explore the interiors to understand how they work.

Special thanks are extended to G. Tuvdendorj, Deputy Minister of Economy and Development, and all members who actively participated in the BCM Business Tour at Salkhit Wind Farm.